Waste and Resource Mangement
Offshore installations are hazardous operations that require
uncompromising approaches to health and safety. This includes waste management and the use of platform supply vessels and multi-role vessels to transport goods to and waste from offshore stations – the tanks on these ships require periodic cleaning, which is where M. Gaze comes to the fore.
Offshore activities are a complex business that rely on specialist ships
to deliver people and equipment in order to keep operations moving
These are commonly known as platform supply vessels and multi-role
vessels, or PSVs and MSVs for short, and also play an important role in
offshore waste management. In their under-deck tanks they transfer
drilling muds, brines, fuels and powder additives to offshore installations
and remove them after use when categorised as a waste.
M. Gaze has been cleaning PSV and MRV tanks for over 30 years,
both in direct support of operators and as a subcontractor to logistics
providers. Our cleaning crews are highly trained and experienced at
man-entry cleaning, working closely with quayside and vessel management teams.
Safety is of course a major concern for offshore operators, and our safe
systems of work developed over many years ensure that we can deliver
a safe and efficient service. Body gas monitors (including H2S) are worn
on all tank cleans as standard.
Tanks on platform supply vessels and multi-role vessels should be treated like other industrial tanks, especially those which contain wastes. If left untreated for long periods of time, decay will build up and reduce the integrity of the tank structure, which could eventually lead to tank failure. Failed tanks cause spillages, which in an offshore environment can result in extreme environmental damage and costly clean-up operations.
We have provided tank cleaning services for both operators directly and as a
subcontractor to logistics firms. If you have a PSV/MSV tank cleaning job that needs completing either for your own organisation or an offshore client, give us a call on 01508 548 543.
M. Gaze has been completing industrial cleaning jobs of all shapes and sizes for several decades. We have the knowhow and equipment to handle almost any job, and tank cleaning is a particularly strong area for us. Body gas monitors are worn by all personnel on tank cleaning jobs, and this is no different for PSVs and MSVs – likewise, our team will not enter a tank until all assessments and preparatory protocols are complete. We are constantly evaluating ways to enhance our safety procedures which have been developed over many years based on real-world experience.
If you have a waste disposal problem that you need to solve please contact us.
Our friendly team are waiting to help.
The safety of our customers, staff, suppliers and the general public is of the highest importance to us. All our services and site operations are carried out in a Covid-19 secure manner. Staff are issued with hand sanitiser, face masks and guidance on the risks of Covid-19 transmission and how to reduce these risks.
Our operations will continue to monitor, follow and adapt to Government and Public Health England advice, and we work with an unwavering focus on
ensuring the safety of all our stakeholders.
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